Jordan hosts the first Multi-Regional WHO–Harvard Interdisciplinary humanitarian response simulation exercise outside USA

 On December 18, 2023, the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) in Jordan hosted a groundbreaking training initiative. The purpose of this initiative was to enhance the interdisciplinary humanitarian response capabilities in the Middle East and Africa.

In a collaborative effort between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Jordan became the venue for the inaugural Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Response Simulation Exercise (IHRSE) held outside the United States.

Traditionally, the IHRSE program is conducted annually at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in Boston, USA, catering to professionals worldwide. However, this year marked a departure from the norm, as the exercise unfolded at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center in Amman, Jordan, spanning from December 3 to December 12, 2023.

The primary objective of the IHRSE program is to empower future leaders in emergency response from the Middle East and Africa. It aims to provide them with the necessary skills to effectively prepare for and respond to intricate humanitarian crises.

Dr. Samar Al-Mutawakel, WHO Regional Emergency Health Workforce Focal Point/Lead, expressed satisfaction with the crucial support from the Government of Jordan during a period of heightened health challenges due to emerging crises. Dr. Al-Mutawakel emphasized the significance of establishing a network of highly skilled professionals to effectively respond to such emergencies, recognizing the increasing necessity for such preparedness.

Eng. Bilal Shtaiyat from the Jordan Center for Disease Control underscored Jordan's unwavering commitment to supporting the program in light of the current challenges confronting the country. Shtaiyat emphasized that robust preparedness is indispensable for an effective and swift response to emergencies.

Dr. Sean Kivlehan and Dr. Michelle Niescierenko of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative acknowledged the heightened vulnerability of countries in the Africa and Middle East regions to both ongoing and emerging emergencies. They expressed pride in supporting the skills and expertise of humanitarian responders in these regions.

The Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Response Simulation Exercise (IHRSE) program, characterized by a blend of expertise and collaboration, successfully trained 65 humanitarian responders and future leaders from 52 countries across the Africa and Middle East regions. These participants represented the WHO Africa and WHO Eastern Mediterranean regions, as well as international and local non-governmental organizations.


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