German civil servants demand ‘immediate’ end to Israeli arms supplies

 A group of German civil servants has taken a bold stance by reaching out to Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other high-ranking officials, urging an immediate halt to arms deliveries to the Israeli government. The call is grounded in grave concerns over Israel's actions in Gaza, which they assert violate not only international law but also the principles enshrined in Germany's own Constitution.

In a meticulously crafted statement, these civil servants highlight the disturbing findings of the International Court of Justice, which recently deemed Israel's military operations in Gaza as potentially constituting acts of genocide. The gravity of this assessment prompts the civil servants to invoke their duty as federal employees to uphold the law and to demand an end to their government's complicity in these alleged crimes.

This impassioned plea is not merely a symbolic gesture. Backed by approximately 600 supporters within their ranks, the civil servants have meticulously built momentum for their cause over several months. Their advocacy extends beyond a simple cessation of arms deliveries; they also call on the German government to actively pressure Israel for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, to reinstate support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and to advocate strongly for the recognition of a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders.


However, the civil servants' initiative has not been without its challenges. Citing a "climate of fear" within the civil service, the organizers describe an atmosphere fraught with apprehension and repression. Instances of internal complaints being met with warnings, and even advice to avoid written communication for fear of reprisal, paint a troubling picture of the environment within which these civil servants operate. Despite these obstacles, the movement has garnered diverse support, spanning various ministries and demographics. Notably, younger women and individuals with international experience have been particularly vocal in their endorsement of the initiative. Diplomats, in particular, are alarmed by the potential repercussions on Germany's global reputation and relationships, especially with Muslim-majority nations. In essence, the actions of these German civil servants reflect a profound moral and ethical reckoning within the bureaucracy, challenging the status quo and demanding accountability in matters of international justice and human rights.

The significance of this action is underscored by the startling revelation that Germany had approved a substantial increase in arms exports to Israel in 2023, totaling over 300 million euros. These exports accounted for a significant portion of Israel's military arsenal, highlighting Germany's considerable role in sustaining Israel's military capabilities.



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