Nicaragua to ICJ: End Germany’s support of Israeli ‘genocide’ in Gaza

 Germany is currently being accused before the highest judicial body of the United Nations for its alleged complicity in enabling genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, in collaboration with its close ally, Israel.


Nicaragua has brought forth its case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), urging the court to implement urgent measures to halt Germany's provision of weaponry and other support to Israel. Carlos Jose Francisco Arguello Gomez, the Nicaraguan Ambassador to The Netherlands and leader of Nicaragua’s delegation, emphasized in his opening statement that grave violations of international humanitarian law, including acts of genocide, are openly occurring in Palestine.

He stressed the significance of the case, highlighting its profound impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands and the perilous threat it poses to an entire population. Gomez urged other nations to refrain from aiding the perpetrator, asserting that Germany has failed to uphold this obligation by failing to discern between self-defense and genocide in the Gaza situation. Warning of potential future uprisings among Palestinians if the current support for Israel persists unchecked, Gomez urged for a reconsideration of Germany's stance. Daniel Mueller, representing Nicaragua, echoed this sentiment, criticizing the contradiction between providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians while supplying military equipment used against them. Responding to Nicaragua's accusations, German legal representative Tania von Uslar-Gleichen dismissed the presentation as biased and pledged to refute the charges. She asserted that Germany fully upholds its responsibilities, dismissing the notion that its actions violate the UN Genocide Convention. Nicaragua's submission to the court contends that Germany's provision of military equipment and defunding of the UNRWA facilitate the commission of genocide, invoking the principles of the 1948 UN Genocide Convention established in response to the Holocaust.


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