
Taking a firm approach with Turkey is essential for safeguarding U.S. regional interests and curbing Erdogan's unpredictable and manipulative policies.

Turkey and the United States have shared a treaty alliance since Ankara officially joined NATO in 1952. However, their bilateral relationship, spanning seven decades, has experienced its fair share of fluctuations. Tensions arose in the mid-1960s when the U.S. made a secret deal with the Soviet Union to remove Jupiter missiles from Turkey during the Cuban missile crisis, coupled with President Lyndon B. Johnson's letter expressing hesitancy to defend Turkey over Cyprus. Later, disputes over Vietnam triggered anti-American sentiments in Turkish public opinion. In the mid-1970s, Turkey's invasion of Northern Cyprus resulted in a U.S.-imposed arms embargo and subsequent restrictions on arms exports to Turkey. Despite these challenges, a shared perception of the threat posed by Moscow during the Cold War helped maintain a robust government-to-government relationship. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, U.S.-Turkey relations flourished, reaching a pinnacle a

Who qualifies for the $100 million Verizon class action settlement? Find out the key details you need to be aware of.

 Verizon patrons may soon be eligible to receive a portion of a proposed $100 million class action settlement. The legal action, initiated in New Jersey, alleges that customers with certain monthly plans were subject to undisclosed administration fees in a manner deemed "deceptive and unfair." The settlement specifically addresses charges incurred by customers between January 1, 2016, and November 8, 2023. Those affected by these practices have until spring to submit their claims. Explore the details of this settlement and understand its implications for consumers. Additionally, discover if you qualify for compensation in similar class action lawsuits, such as Vizio's $3 million settlement over refresh rates. In a class action lawsuit, individuals or a group file a legal claim on behalf of themselves and others who share similar grievances. Upon approval of the class action lawsuit, all members of the class receive compensation, except for those who choose to exclud

The European Union takes swift action to provide flood relief support to Germany and France.

  Following intense rainfall, Lower Saxony and Thuringia in Germany, as well as Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France, grapple with floods and rising river levels. In response to urgent requests via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, rapid mobilization of emergency aid has been initiated. For Germany, 39 responders from France equipped with flood containment barriers and 16 vehicles have commenced immediate response efforts. In France, three high-capacity modules featuring four pumps from the Netherlands, two pumps from Czechia, and two pumps from Slovakia are set to depart today. Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Slovenia, and Slovakia have promptly extended their assistance, ready to step in if additional support is required. "As we usher in the new year, the unwavering solidarity of the EU remains steadfast. The quick and resolute aid provided by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to the flood-affected regions of Germany and France underscores the power of unity. I express my gratitude t

Mere economic expansion is insufficient to eradicate poverty in the United Kingdom.

 A pivotal element in any political party's governance plan should be a commitment to fairer and more sustainable growth. It is encouraging that the Labour Party has prioritized this in its economic agenda, emphasizing equitable growth for improved long-term living standards and environmentally conscious strategies to meet climate objectives. Currently, however, the UK contends with an economy that is stagnant, marked by inequality, and environmentally unsustainable. It is crucial to recognize that relying solely on economic growth is insufficient to alleviate poverty. A recent damning report by Unicef exposed the UK's distressing trend as the country experienced the largest surge in children living in financially strained households among comparable affluent nations since 2014, with a 20 per cent increase. The UK's child poverty rates are alarmingly high, ranking 37th out of 39 EU and OECD countries analyzed. Disturbingly, over one-third of children in the north-east and

Implementing international insights to safeguard abortion rights in the United States.

Following the 2022 overturning of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court, which stripped away the federal constitutional right to abortion, the legal and healthcare landscape has grown more complex due to state-level policies. With twenty states enforcing stringent abortion bans or restrictions, recent legislation has further hindered access to abortion medication and services. Notably, Wyoming became the first state to explicitly prohibit the use of abortion medication. In response, advocates for abortion rights in the US have sought to extend federal protections, prompting significant actions by the federal government to safeguard and broaden access to medication abortion. Recognizing the challenge of passing legislation in Congress due to a lack of a pro-abortion majority, the focus has shifted towards strengthening executive branch rules and guidance. Key developments include the removal of the in-person dispensing requirement for mifepristone by the US Food and Drug Administration i

A unraveling alliance: Support wanes for Biden among Black, Hispanic, and young voters at the outset of the election year.

 President Joe Biden faces concerning vulnerabilities among his traditional Democratic supporters as the election year commences, with Donald Trump gaining an edge among Hispanic voters and the youth demographic. A noteworthy development is that one in five Black voters now expresses an inclination to support a third-party candidate come November. The recent USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll reveals that Biden's struggle to solidify backing within crucial segments of the coalition that propelled him to victory in 2020 has resulted in a narrow trail behind Trump, the presumed Republican nominee, with a margin of 39% to 37%. Additionally, 17% of respondents express support for an unspecified third-party candidate. When the poll specifies seven candidates by name, Trump's lead expands slightly to 3 percentage points, standing at 37% to 34%, with independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. emerging as the leading third-party contender with 10% support. The results emphasize t

Parties and celebrations across the world ring in 2024

 As the clock struck midnight on the eve of 2024, a tapestry of jubilation and contemplation unfolded across the globe. In Sydney, the sky ignited with silver and gold fireworks, painting a dazzling tribute to the 50th anniversary of the iconic Opera House. However, in Gaza, a somber atmosphere prevailed, overshadowed by concerns of survival among the residents. Europe witnessed a royal transition as Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announced her abdication after a reign spanning over half a century. Explore the diverse ways in which different places and people bid adieu to 2023 and embraced the dawn of the New Year. Top of Form  

The number of casualties rises amid escalating Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.

 Nuseirat and Maghazi refugee camps witness a death toll of at least 35 individuals due to Israeli bombings in central Gaza. Additionally, a residential building near the Kuwaiti hospital in southern Gaza is struck in an Israeli attack, resulting in the loss of at least 20 lives. Israeli warplanes launched multiple airstrikes on a location known as Wadi Hamoul. According to Israeli sources, this area serves as a launching site for Hezbollah missiles. The airstrikes were extensive, producing loud and resonant sounds. Following the airstrikes, the same area experienced the impact of several artillery shells. In addition, there were additional attacks by Israeli air forces and artillery in various locations within southern Lebanon. Some of these attacks reached a considerable distance, approximately 15 to 16 kilometers (9.3 to 10 miles) deep into Lebanese territory, particularly close to Nabatieh in the east of Lebanon. A few of these incidents occurred at a relatively greater dis

Expansion of Connections in Europe: Qatar Airways Reveals Plans for 2024 Network Growth.

 Qatar Airways is providing passengers with over 170 reasons for anticipation as it unveils its summer schedule for 2024. Qatar Airways broadens its summer itinerary, fostering heightened tourism, economic development, and global interconnectedness. Anticipating a surge in travelers from the Asia-Pacific region, notably Australia, China, and Japan, the airline targets Venice, while positioning Hamburg as a key entry point for visitors from South Africa, the Philippines, and Thailand. The airline maintains its commitment to expanding its destination portfolio, reinstating previous routes, and enhancing the frequency of existing ones. Qatar Airways has revealed its 2024 summer schedule, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to expanding its array of destinations. The renowned airline, known for its accolades, is set to introduce two new European destinations this summer. Resuming flights to Venice, Italy, in June and venturing into Hamburg, Germany, for the first time in July marks the

Following an in-depth inquiry by USA TODAY, the military has at last disclosed its internal report on extremism.

 After a year and a half since its conclusion, the Department of Defense has belatedly released a report on extremism within its ranks. Originally commissioned by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in April 2021, the report was one of four "immediate actions" announced in response to the January 6 insurrection. Subsequently, numerous current and former military members have faced charges related to the events of January 6. Earlier this year, a comprehensive investigation by USA TODAY revealed limited progress in the military's efforts to counter extremism, with several crucial initiatives appearing to be at a standstill or incomplete. Among these initiatives was the "Study on Extremist Activity within the Total Force," which had been concluded by the Institute for Defense Analyses in June 2022, as initially reported by USA TODAY. However, the findings of this study had not been made public. Responding to renewed requests directed at the Under Secretary of Defense

n the United States, what is the American term for Boxing Day?

  While December 26 is not recognized as a holiday in the United States, unlike in countries that observe Boxing Day, it is not a designated day off from work or school. The traditions associated with Boxing Day, such as family gatherings, festive meals featuring baked ham and mince pies, and engaging in activities like horse racing and rugby, are not commonly observed in the U.S. On this day, Americans typically do not partake in the same customs that characterize Boxing Day celebrations in other parts of the world. December 26 marks the annual celebration of Boxing Day. In the event that this date falls on a Saturday, the holiday is shifted to the subsequent Monday, allowing individuals to partake in the festivities that accompany this noteworthy occasion. Boxing Day is observed in various countries, including England, Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and South Africa. In Ireland, the day is referred to as St. Stephen's Day. Top of Form